Monday, December 24, 2007

MRI Poetry Project Gets First Entry

Robin Steele has begun to compile a book of poetry based on the excuses for inaction left as comments and forum posts by Men's Rights Inactivists. Once completed, the volume will be published and offered for sale with all proceeds being donated to the Robin Steele Men's Rights Advocacy Coalition.

The first "found" poem was discovered at the playground where the precocious youngsters delight in filling their time with a little Robin Steele-bashing. The pompous windbag of the MRIs, a NeccoWafer Buddhist namedKhrankybugger, left this inadvertent poem which is destined to become a classic.

Robin Steele can kiss my hairy Ass
by Khrankrsore, MRI Poet


The Robin Steele campaign
and the other Feminist attack dogs.

Always seem to go
for a chain saw
when a needle probe
would do.

Over kill,
dirty tricks,
attack the relatives,
Grandchildren of their opponents.

Steele is obviously reading

this blog or forum.

Feminazi Robin Steele
stated outright on her blog
that I lied.
Trying to draw me
into a debate or
some kind of war
of words.

It does not qualify
for my time or interest.
This is childish name calling.
And I repeat.
Feminists and Women
do not define Masculinity

never have and never will.
Men do.


Those who have Careers,
and people to protect may well,
use a historic name,
a tongue in cheek name,
a Parody name.

I do so for those
who I am protecting.

And Robin Steele can kiss my hairy Ass.
We will without doubt
see more
of these

I'm dumbfounded. I am the muse for the greatest MRI poet the playground has yet produced. This is my calling. My destiny. My NeccoNirvana.

A series of NeccoBuddhist Poetry will make the perfect fundraising vehicle for the MRI! "Robin Steele Can Kiss My Hairy Ass" by Khankrumthebuggerer will be the perfect first volume! With a forward by MikeeUSA perhaps?


Anonymous said...

This is your doctor. That cream I gave you? Well, it's not for lubrication. Please call me back, even at home!

Anonymous said...

This is the massage centre. About that cream you gave us ... Please call us as soon as possible!

feminist blogs


Bitch. Ph.D.