Monday, November 12, 2007

Anti-Hate Advocate Robin Steele Receives Death Threat

You always remember your first death threat...

Well, it's not exactly a cause for celebration, but it's at least a validation that my little amateur Woman of Steele website and the comments and support of rational, peace-loving men and women from around the world is having an effect. Pro-rape, pro-violence "Bob Allen," whose World According to Bob blog on GOOGLE's Blogger platform, enthusiastically advocates violence toward women, police officers and others, has issued my first death threat.

In a comment on his own post, Bob wrote:

Bob said...

Note to Robin Steele:
You are the antithesis of someone qualified to speak for the Men's Rights Movement or for men. You are a very misandrist femiNazi, a sworn enemy of all men. Whatever you recommend for men should be taken as the opposite of good advice. Your recommendations are the way to failure and slavery for men.

Unfortunately for more than a century many foolish men listened to misandrist femiNazi liars and believed their reasonable sounding crapola. It was all lies, and has resulted in the death and destruction of millions of men and the destruction of uncounted millions of families. Robin Steele is the sworn enemy of men, marriage, children, and families. She is evil and her words are nice sounding lies. *

No Steele, your hate and lies do not fly here. REAL MEN have learned that all of your lies and hate are aimed at enslaving men and destroying our children. The world would be a far better place if someone finds you and eliminates your filth from our society.

November 10, 2007 5:11 PM

Does a call for violence against me by a hateful man who appeals to the distraught and deranged make me a little nervous? Sure it does. Will it deter me from speaking out against hate and violence on the Internet? Absolutely not.

Unlike Bob and his Men's Rights Movement followers, I refuse to willingly accept the role of victim. And contrary to what Bob and his followers might believe, I am not an advocate for gun control, I am pro-self-defense, and I do not hate men. In fact, I am in the constant company of my two favorite men, Mr. Smith & Mr. Wesson.

I sincerely hope Bob never has occasion to meet me and my friends.

* emphasis mine


Anonymous said...

"violence on the Internet"

The Internet is not a physical medium.

Bob has every right to say whatever he wishes about you.

Death To women's Rights.
Viva Men's Liberties.

PS: I'm still here and I get death threats from every corner of the globe (but especially from europe).

Anonymous said...

Guns are offensive weapons, not defensive shields.

I like guns but they are not magic. They will never protect you from the mythical stalkers and assasins you pretend to believe in.

Anonymous said...

I pray for your death too, steele.
I pray for the death of every feminist woman (not feminist men, they're just brainwashed).


Anonymous said...

Dear God:
Please disallow Robin Steele and all women who believe as she believes the breath of life. Please interviene in the world and destroy these women who work against Men everywhere. Please slaughter them as you slaughtered the first born of Egypt. I beg you to enter the affairs of Man and lift from us the burden of these worthless women. Please kill them all.

Anonymous said...

Google poll is broken. You should complain. I wouldn't suspect google things to break.

Anonymous said...

That wasn't a threat. Nowhere does it threaten anyone. Ms. Steele can't read, and can't understand what is written. Typical femiNazi.

Anonymous said...

On another post Ms. Steele affirmed that she suffers from mental illness and has to take meds to remain marginally functional. Unfortunatly her mental facilities really aren't all there.

Anonymous said...

Steele has admitted having to take psychoactive drugs because of her mental problems. The though of a psychotic hateful bitch having a Smith&Wesson handgun is really scary.

Unknown said...

You and I both need better trolls. Of course, what they long for are the good old days when men could dominate women and do whatever they like to them without fear. Too bad for them.

Anonymous said...

gin: we are heading into a severe recession. Will our country survive? Will western civilization fall.

The second that there is not extremely strong enforcement of law women's rights will fall.

Anonymous said...

We are heading into a Golden Age with a woman president and women seized to ascend to the top spot in major corporations across America. Don't be threatened. Men will be better off, too, when we've been able to mitigate the damage they've done through war, greed, hate and stupidity.

Think back to elementary school? Who were the best pupils? The smartest? The most responsible? The ones who sat in the front of the class and paid attention? The ones who did their homework and learned the most? It was the girls, of course. Isn't it strange that the best and brightest weren't the ones, then, to hold the top positions in government & business? To make the important decisions? To direct the less capable instead of the other way around? Don't fret. That will soon be corrected and we'll soon be fulfilling our potential - as a nation and as a people.

You do not need to be alarmed, because the Femocracy will bring on a golden age of justice, tolerance and logic for ALL citizens, both the leaders in power and their subjects alike.

Athena Y

Anonymous said...

"and their subjects alike."

What women see men as.
You may have a femocracy but it will be as successful as any country that has a large minority or more of subjects who have the propensity towards violence. While ruling your land you will have not one restful night of sleep.

Anonymous said...

We may be headed into a severe economic crisis. When men stop doing the work, women will starve. Women have never been able to feed themselves. Only by leeching off the labor of men do women ever survive. More and more men today are dropping out of the economy as the fruits of our labor are taken from us.

Anonymous said...


I notice you have complained about a lot of posts about men who call for violence against women but I wonder, have you ever posted about the evil of the SCUM Manifesto which is a misandrous tract written in 1968 by Valerie Solanas which advocated a violent anarchic revolution to create an all-female society.

From what I see, these men have only advocated harm to gender feminist but Solans called for the murder of essentially all males. It is also my understanding that the SCUM Manifesto is either required or suggested reading in most women's study courses.

I must say I do not condone hate by anyone. I have had my share of conflicts with some of these people you talk about but we can not allow ourselves to become the enemy we detest. I am the founder of a ministry to help abused people with a focus on abused men. Gender feminist have succeeded in demonizing all men with the Violence Against Women Act which protects only women although unbiased research shows women abuse men at an equal or even greater rate then men abuse women.

Many of these men are responding to wrongs that have been committed against them using things like the VAWA which can and often is used to deprive men of all their rights and take everything they have worked all of their lives for, all without any due process of law. According to the VAWA all that is needed to do this is her word that she was abused. No proof is needed.

Mary Winkler got off with pre-mediated murder by using the abuse excuse without one shred of evidence to that fact. Little was said about her real motive...the writing of $17,000 worth of HOT checks that her husband was about to find out about nor has she ever been charged with writing those checks.

Robin, I am not saying it is right, but just as some women hate all men because of the wrongs a few did to them, I see a backlash of some men hating all women for the same reasons

All hate is wrong and I have written about it:

Shattered Men does help abused women as well as abused men. We have had many men who expressed that they hated all women. Many of our women expressed their hatred for men. We have seen something amazing within a short time. These men and women both started reaching out to EACH help heal the scars of abuse in each other and they have learned to reach out to other men and women who are hurting.

Instead of getting bent out of shape when someone expresses these things, we could try to find out WHY they feel this way

Pastor Ken Deemer
Director Shattered Men

Anonymous said...

Athena Y

You need to do better research.

"Men will be better off, too, when we've been able to mitigate the damage they've done through war, greed, hate and stupidity"

Throughout history, anytime a woman has been head of state, they lead their country to war. Perhaps it was because only males did the dying?

In the 20th century, if a man out of conscious did not go to war it was the woman in his country that branded him a coward. It was Hillary Clinton who also stated women are the greatest casualties of war but I noticed that as long as only men were being killed in Bosnia, the Clinton's could care less. When women started being victimized, we sent in the Marines.

"Think back to elementary school? Who were the best pupils? The smartest"

When I was in high school, it was mostly the boys that were the best students. Now that schools are unfriendly to boys, girls are. Perhaps in your research you can read something like "In The War Against Boys" by, Christina Hoff Sommers or Judith Kleinfeld's "The Myth That Schools Shortchange Girls," published by the Washington, D.C.-based Women's Freedom Network

You might also check out Cathy Young's Where the Boys Are
Is America shortchanging male children?

"Isn't it strange that the best and brightest weren't the ones, then, to hold the top positions in government & business? "

I have novel about doing all of the above based upon ones own MERITS and drop all of the affirmative action that helped many who were not qualified for a position to kick out others who were...all based upon ones gender?

This reminds me, the Independent Women's forum has disproved the so called pay gap myth many times however recent studies have shown women are getting paid MORE then men for the same work. Are YOU going to scream about that now? Oh I am sure these same women are going to expect men to pay for their dates, flowers jewelry and the like because her money is hers and his money is theirs.

Anonymous said...

Athena Y Said: "We are heading into a Golden Age with a woman president and women seized to ascend to the top spot in major corporations across America."

Chris Key Says: The aforementioned comments are speculative and baseless.

Athena Y Said: "Don't be threatened. Men will be better off, too, when we've been able to mitigate the damage they've done through war, greed, hate and stupidity.

Chris Key Says: Women's desire for universal domination and adulation has caused a lot of damage, as it has produced a negative affect on the following elements of modern Human civilisation: the education, the workforce, social mores, religion, marriage, the economy and children.

Women aren't reknown for their intelligence, so you should think twice about calling men "stupid". The vast majority of inventors, scientists, mathematicians, engineers and geniuses were and still are men. The top-end of the IQ scale is dominated by men, and the higher one goes the higher the disparity travels in favour of men.

A fair few wars were instigated by female Prime Ministers from Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka and England (UK). I think an Israeli woman led her to nation to war.

Athena Y Said: "Think back to elementary school? Who were the best pupils? The smartest? The most responsible? The ones who sat in the front of the class and paid attention? The ones who did their homework and learned the most? It was the girls, of course."

Chris Key Says: You're mistaking eagerness for intelligence. Girls perform better than boys on an academic level because the current teaching methods appeal more to girls than they do to boys. Sitting quietly and working in a group does not appeal to boys. The male brain is designed by nature to be inquisitive, daring, analytical and individualistic. It's why men's spatial awareness is superior to women's spatial awareness. All of these traits fly in the face of sitting quietly in a group as a subordinate.

The other thing you do not seem to understand is the female brain develops quicker than the male brain. It's why a girl who is smarter than a boy can go on to become dumber than him once their adolescence is over and are fully-matured adults. This is because the male brain continues to develop long after the female brain ceases its development.

Athena Y Said: "Isn't it strange that the best and brightest weren't the ones, then, to hold the top positions in government & business? To make the important decisions? To direct the less capable instead of the other way around?"

Chris Key Says: As I explained earlier, men as a class are more intelligent than women. Your entire argument is affected by your inability to understand the basic biology of the sexes. You're using poorly formed inductive reasoning to reach conclusions that support your pro-feminazi agenda. It's a sign that you're an idiot.

Athena Y Said: "Don't fret. That will soon be corrected and we'll soon be fulfilling our potential - as a nation and as a people."

Chris Key: More speculation and baseless rhetoric on your behalf.

Athena Y Said: "You do not need to be alarmed, because the Femocracy will bring on a golden age of justice, tolerance and logic for ALL citizens, both the leaders in power and their subjects alike."

If the so-called leaders are anything like you, then society wil be Governed by the most bigoted and illogical persons on the planet. Your entire argument is inundated with logical fallacies, factual errors and bigotry. If the actions of the second-wave feminists is an indication of what justice will be like under your leader's reign, then society will be pretty unjust. The current law system is inundated with anti-male bias that was legislated at the behest of second-wave feminists.

Athena Y said...

Shattered Men said: have you ever posted about the evil of the SCUM Manifesto which is a misandrous tract written in 1968 by Valerie Solanas which advocated a violent anarchic revolution to create an all-female society.
SM: I haven't ever read it nor (thankfully) heard of it. My most immediate concern is current, active promotion of hate and violence on the Internet, especially on blogger and other blogs. I am new to this and am neither a member of any feminist group and am just learning about these acts and issues
Like you, I do not condone hate by anyone, man or woman, against any group. Hate leads to more hate and eventually to despair. Everyone loses.
Your comments communicate a balanced and reasonable view. This site is a result of what I found when I started looking for information on these subjects. These MRA and "Masculist" sites just stir up hate and paranoia and perceive anyone with a constructive viewpoint as a vile enemy to be viciously attacked.
Read through the comments on this site. I advocate peace and healing and tolerance - toward men also - yet I am vilified and called terrible words, accused of mental illness, hatred, and more.
It's disturbing in that this climate negates dialogue, which makes healing and progress impossible.
I've seen the unfairness toward good men, male friends deprived of a relationship with their children by a vindictive ex-spouse. Men have the most to gain by toning down the rhetoric, and banishing the haters, psychopaths and perverts using the cause of men's rights as a smokescreen.

Athena Y said...

Chris Key Thanks for visiting and your participation. While I think Athena's "Women are better than Men" argument is silly and divisive (as is your "Men are better" response), you are obviously an intelligent person who is capable of presenting a coherent, logical argument and using examples to back up your points.

That's why it's disappointing to visit your men's rights discussion forum and see each of your comments decorated with a graphic of Uncle Sam saying "I want YOU to kick a feminist in the cunt"

You discredit your own credibility, reveal your immaturity and do a great disservice to the men Pastor Ken Deemer and are trying to help. I hope you'll soon learn the difference between getting attention and being listened to.

Anonymous said...

Cuntlips Robin Steele quoted...

Shattered Men said: have you ever posted about the evil of the SCUM Manifesto which is a misandrous tract written in 1968 by Valerie Solanas which advocated a violent anarchic revolution to create an all-female society.

Cuntlips Steele said: I haven't ever read it nor (thankfully) heard of it. My most immediate concern is current, active promotion of hate and violence on the Internet, especially on blogger and other blogs. I am new to this and am neither a member of any feminist group and am just learning about these acts and issues
Like you, I do not condone hate by anyone, man or woman, against any group.


Steele, you are SUCH a LYING fucking chicken-shit pile of cat vomit. You LIE through your one tooth.

Anonymous said...

You are right about Steele's lies and misandry. Until last week she had a whole page of "Lorena Bobbit" adoration and promotion. It was taken down only when many men stated pointing ot it as a glaring example that proved her claims to oppose sexist violence are a total sham. This whole blog is nothing but anti-men lies and hate. Any faux men's rights advocate who supports it is no friend of men.

Athena Y said...

Anonymous's: You are so full of hate, I really feel sorry for you. I hope you will get some help. You are the real victim of your rage.

This whole blog is nothing but anti-men lies and hate.
Please let me know where I am expressing hate to men currently on this blog. The post you are referring to was a criticism of insensitive hatespeech against men disguised as humor. It was deleted because critics thought it could be misinterpreted.

Anonymous said...


thank you for your answer regarding the SCUM Manifesto and I do accept your answer. Many women, at least those who have not taken most Women's Study courses have not heard of it. This is why I try to educate people as to what is going on and it helps far more then blasting people such as I see many doing here to you. Please do not get discourage with the hate...I have faced a lot of it too but my Best friend faced even more of it.....HE was nailed to a cross for expressing LOVE.

Anonymous said...

"I sincerely hope Bob never has occasion to meet me and my friends"

Considering how much hate and lies you have been spewing about Bob and other men, I can understand why you would be very fearful of ever meeting one of them in real life. It is easy to hide behind your computer and post hate anonymously. If you were to say such words to a man, to him personally, he would be fully justified in defending his honor.

Anonymous said...

From the front page of Steele's blog here is one of her lists of lies (this is on the right column)

Steele: "Bob Allen openly advocates violence against police officers & women. He preaches that:"

LIE: Bob does not advocate violence against anyone. The lie is unmitigated misandry.

Steele: "Bob Allen: Death Threat Against Peace Activist Robin Steele"

LIE: Bob has not threattened Steele or anyone. This hate piece is a lie as well as the link.

Steele: "Bob Allen: Slain Officer Called 'BAD RUBBISH'"

Criticizing the government is the public right, and even the duty of American citizens when they are doing things the people don't approve of. Bob presented several reasons why he believes that the slain officer was "rubbish." The reasons included a published history of corruption and planting evidence. Attacking a man for public criticism of a corrupt government is misandry, especially when the underlying reason is because Steele is looking for excuses to criticize and try to silence a man's voice.

Steele: "Police should be rounded up and killed"

LIE: Bob never said that quote. Bob has never advocated killing anyone. Rhetorical language is acknowledged to be just that. Bob more often says something like "Should be impaled" which is clearly a rhetorical criticism, not an advocacy of killing. Steele's false quote lie is hate speech intended to raise hate and attack a man's voice.

Steele: "Women & Little Girls Like Getting Raped"

LIE: Bob never said that either. Steele's false quote lie is hate speech intended to raise hate and attack a man's voice.

Steele: "Wives seeking a divorce should be murdered"

LIE: Bob never said that either. Steele's false quote lie is hate speech intended to raise hate and attack a man's voice.

Steele: "A murdered police officer is cause for celebration"

LIE: Bob never said that either. Steele's false quote lie is hate speech intended to raise hate and attack a man's voice.

Steele: "Bob Allen: 'Lay them low and drop their bodies in ditches'"

LIE: Bob never said that either. Steele's false quote lie is hate speech intended to raise hate and attack a man's voice.


Here Steele summarizes her feminist hate by advocating that a man's voice be silenced.

This is only a small example -- a list of links to other articles. The articles they link to are as full of lies and hate as the links. Steele's front page articles are as full of lies and hate as the linked articles. The whole blog is a lying misandrist attack on the voices of men. That is all that it is. There is no mitigating non-hate content.

Can Steele point to anything on her blog that is not lies and hate? I think not.

Anonymous said...

Robin Steele Said: "Thanks for visiting and your participation. While I think Athena's "Women are better than Men" argument is silly and divisive (as is your "Men are better" response), you are obviously an intelligent person who is capable of presenting a coherent, logical argument and using examples to back up your points.

That's why it's disappointing to visit your men's rights discussion forum and see each of your comments decorated with a graphic of Uncle Sam saying "I want YOU to kick a feminist in the cunt"

You discredit your own credibility, reveal your immaturity and do a great disservice to the men Pastor Ken Deemer and are trying to help. I hope you'll soon learn the difference between getting attention and being listened to."

Chris Key Says: My avatar is a provocative and controversial argumentative tool, and I use it to expose the public's gynocenrtic view that the "comical" glorification of violence is wrong when it is aimed at women and "cute" when it is aimed at men.

Its a wonderful weapon for the Men's Movement, as its usage of wit and sarcasm is able to alert thinking adults to the fact our society overestimates the commonality of women's issues while it holds little to no concern for serious issues that affect men. The persons who oppose the avatar on the basis that violence against women is wrong are unaware that their retort gives my avatar credit, because their anger over the avatar is contradictory to the public's hesitance to denounce the media's incessant portrayal of testis abuse as being funny.

The majority of people aren't keen on denouncing testis abuse. They're either indifferent to the issue of testis abuse or they think it is funny. The persons who are indifferent to it aren't that much better than the persons who laugh at it, as both groups are guilty of not denouncing it. It's up to women like you to write to the authorities who regulate what can and cannot be seen on television, and let them know that you are against any scene that portrays testis abuse as being "funny" and "acceptable". Send a few letters to your local legislators and ask them to set stiffer penalties for people who attack the genitals of men and women. Educate your children about the consequences of genital trauma. Then and only then will you have a legitimate reason to oppose my avatar.

feminist blogs


Bitch. Ph.D.