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As part of my research on the Internet hatespeech of the Men's Rights extremists, I visited Chris Key's Men's Rights Online blog . He left a sad comment explaining how his pain and insecurities led him to the supposed Men's Rights Movement, which seems to be populated by gays-in-denial and emotionally crippled boys and men overcompensating for their fears and shortcomings with macho sexist rhetoric. I suspect that many of these MRAs are trapped in their own self-fulfilling prophecies of being perpetual outsiders and lifelong celibates.
I would have felt sorry for Chris Key if it hadn't been for the graphic (see left) that appears on each of his forum comments: Uncle Sam saying "We need YOU to kick a feminist IN THE C*NT" Actually, I still feel sorry for him.
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Chris Keys writes:
I am a 22-year-old Australian, and I too am celibate.
My experiences as a high school gave me a lot of insight on the injustices that face men in the real world. The way the female students conducted themselves taught me that women as a class aren't superior to men on a moral level. A fair few of the female students were quite cruel towards me. Being sensitive and quiet led to them being bitchier and crueller. They only showed me some kindness when I stood up for myself.
Since then I have stayed away from women, as I couldn't be bothered being with them if they will only be nice to me when I am mean to them. I only want to be around women if they're willing to be nice to me when I am nice to them. Why would I want to be around them if I know they see kindness as a weakness and don't respect me for being shy and sensitive?
What's sad is that these guys won't ever resolve these issues because they've closed themselves off and are afraid to take a chance of being hurt again. They don't realize that nearly EVERYONE, male and female, was bullied, teased and emotionally scarred in childhood and adolescence. Girls CAN BE bitches... I know better than they do. We're crueler to each other than to any guy. But guys are bullies and degrade each other, too.
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Their alienation is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Once even a nice, kind girl realizes that one of them is involved with this "masculist" nonsense, they'll want nothing to do with them. Luke Skywalker, the college-age blogger of Siberia Now, doesn't want to be called creepy, but then he tells people at his college about his creepy Siberia Now blog. Now he's got to go to Poland to find a non-English speaking girl who can't read his hate-filled invectives.
Elsewhere in his blog Chris Key talks about how he'll be blogging less because his mother has suffered a massive heart attack and he is helping her with her recovery. The particularly bitter eMasculated Man wishes Chris Keys' mother well in a comment accompanied by a photo of a Montreal mass murderer of women and the word "m*th*rf*cker from hell, masculizt with attitude."
Chris: Make sure your mother sees the touching online comments and your Uncle Sam graphic. I'm sure that will make her proud. She is a woman, isn't she?
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Ms Steele,
I see you're still unable to offer a retort that isn't riddled with logical fallacies. The argument-ad-hominems you continue to raise are nothing short of amusing, as they are sort of tripe that one would expect to hear from an irrate 13-year-old.
I don't want you to feel sorry for me, as my celibacy is a byproduct of my decision to not have sex until I have succeeded in other areas of life that are more important than copulation. If I wanted to have sex then I would become a "player" and hang around trollops at nightclubs. The reason I don't do that is because I have enough respect for myself, my sex and the female sex to NOT play childish games like the ones that are used by players and sluts.
I don't conform to peer pressure, and I prefer to be alone as I am a naturally shy person and I am comfortable being on my own. If you think I am "weird" because I don't want to drink alcohol and fuck as many women as possible, then that confirms my suspicion that you're an ingorant cunt.
By the way, what's wrong with the "We need YOU to kick a feminazi in cunt" avatar? Feminists promote castration and testis kicking. It is aimed at feminists, NOT women. I'm not telling men and boys to kick women and girls in the vulva -- I'm telling men and boys to beat the feminists at their own game.
I like a man to act like a man, thank you very much.
Do you have something against women acting like ladies? Sure seems like it!
Please get over yourself.
It's amazing that you tell me to "get over myself", as my response to Ms Steele wasn't riddled with the conceit that the pair of you have displayed. Ms Steele proved to the world that she's a parasitic cunt with delusional thoughts of grandeur when she said that she deserved to be treated to a lifestyle that she "deserves", and that the men who should treat her to this lifestyle have to be rich.
"I only date rich men who provide me with the lifestyle I deserve. As real men do" Robin Steel in "eMasculated Man Attempts Cohesive Narrative, Unsuccessfully"
The aforementioned quote is a sign of how conceited Ms Steele happens to be, as the cunt believes a "real man" is some one who dedicates his life to providing for a woman who sees his existence as being that of a wage-slave.
While we're on the subject of what constitutes a "real man", let's analyse the position that Ms Steele holds on the subject. If we were to listen to the drivel that was posted by Ms Steele, then a "real man" is a mindless drone who lets parasitic women manipulate him into being their slaves. Afterall, that's the underlying theory behind her usage of the term "real man".
Based on your usage of the term, it appears that you're trying to "shame" me and any other man who reads your shithouse retort into thinking that the only way a man can be a man is if they obey your demands. Your primitive attempt at manipulating me might work on metrosexuals and the idiots who frequent nightclubs, but it won't work on me or any of the members of my forum. Therefore, I believe you are just as devious, manipulative and parasitic as Ms Steele. In other words, I believe you are both a couple of cunts.
A kind, open-minded and selfless woman wouldn't reject a man just because he isn't rich. Only a self-centred and overly arrogant parasite would reject a man who is rich. It takes a lot of arrogance to believe that one is so "special" that the only men who are good enough for her are the ones who are rich. Therefore, you should direct your "get over youself" comment at Ms Steele, as she's the narcissistic cunt who needs to learn that the world doesn't evolve around her.
It's amazing that you tell me to "get over myself", as my response to Ms Steele wasn't riddled with the conceit that the pair of you have displayed. Ms Steele proved to the world that she's a parasitic cunt with delusional thoughts of grandeur when she said she only dates rich meh who can provide her with the lifestyle she "deserves".
"I only date rich men who provide me with the lifestyle I deserve. As real men do" Robin Steel in "eMasculated Man Attempts Cohesive Narrative, Unsuccessfully"
In other words, she's saying that men who aren't rich to provide her with the lifestyle she wants are beneathe her. The aforementioned quote is a sign of how conceited Ms Steele happens to be, as the cunt believes a "real man" is some one who dedicates his life to providing for a woman who uses him as a wage-slave.
While we're on the subject of what constitutes being a "real man", let's analyse the position that Ms Steele holds on the subject. If we were to listen to the drivel that was posted by Ms Steele, then a "real man" is a mindless drone who lets parasitic women manipulate him into being their slaves. The purpose behind her usage of the term "real man" is to "shame" men into believing that they are worthless and failures as men until they receive her approval.
Based on your usage of the term, it appears that you're trying to "shame" me (and any other man who reads your shithouse retort) into thinking that the only way a man can be a man is if I obey your demands and try to win over your approval. Your primitive attempt at manipulating me might work on metrosexuals and the idiots who frequent nightclubs, but it won't work on me or any of the members of my forum. You're both a couple of cunts -- it stands out like Norma Stitz's tits.
A kind, open-minded and selfless woman wouldn't reject a man just because he isn't rich. Only a self-centred and overly arrogant parasite would reject a man who is not rich. It takes a lot of arrogance to believe that one is so "special" that the only men who are good enough for her are those who are rich. Therefore, you should direct your "get over youself" comment at Ms Steele, as she's the narcissistic cunt who needs to learn that the world doesn't evolve around her.
Edited: I reposted this -- and added some more to it -- as the original post contained a few surface errors due to my failure to proofread it.
Women demand that men act like "real men" but when men want real women these same bitches ramrod IMBRA through congress. Are women such as Robin and Alexandra afraid of IMBRA? They are scared shitless of it.
Let me tell you bitches something: it is your fucked up attitudes that are doing this. If it comes down to the only legal choice is between you and our hands you lose but then against you would lose compared to being alone. It is better for a man to be alone than to be stuck with a shrew of a woman.
Well said Masculist Man.
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