On his Blogger (Blogspot) blog, MikeeUSA advocates violence against women and men.
Here's an excerpt from his instructions for how men should fight women's rights throughout their lives:
Go to the local women's group office and liquidate it (kill the feminist women there). Wear a dark suit and drive an expensive car (these are more likely not to be suspect). Continue destroying the people who have helped to destroy countless of your fellow Men untill you are killed. Go from women's rights organisation's office to women's rights organisation's office, maybe throw in a few domestic violence shelters and abortion clinics if you wish.

MikeeUSA on Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning:
People who need to be killed...
...Jon Bruning is a person who should be killed. Other people who should be killed is anyone who agrees with Jon Bruning's actions. These people should be killed as the witches were killed in europe: by burning to death.
I pray that such happens... here's hoping for God to touch Jon Bruning (the persecutor of Men and upholder of the Ideals of Feminism) and his supporters' houses with lightining and for them to be awake as the flames engulf their homes and their own bodies painfully and slowly...
...Jon Bruning is an anti-man apostate and enemy of all mankind who should be burned alive along with his followers... this feminist man is a piece of shit that needs to die. I hope God kills him before natural death gets there first. I hope the death is slow and painful. All feminists deserve such a death.
CLICK HERE to request that Blogger enforce its own stated prohibition against hateful or violent content on the blogger platform.
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CLICK HERE to notify AuctionAds that MikeeUSA's site violate their prohibition against sites that "contain or link to material that could be considered unlawful, harmful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, harassing or otherwise objectionable."
Please post the whole excerpt, the other parts are important too. Also could you post where mikeusa advocates the rape that the Bible seems to be fine with. Expose these Bible believers for what they and their book really is.
Blogspot has allready blocked access to his blog. You can read it because you are a blog author but normal people cannot. Longlive the cencorship of MRAs! Mikeusa doesn't seem to advocate violence against men, only women who believe in women's rights. Stop apoligising for him by hinting that he holds any hint of equality in his sick twisted mind and it's way of constructing "articles".
Yo steele, you're taking to long to do some posting, don't you get up early?
Seriously, if you have a job you get up early, take some time to look over your site for 1 min in the morning.
Do you have Balls Of STEELE?
The second image is not the full image. Could you show the full image. The part you are showing is just the last part. Showing the full comic strip will show how evil this person truely is.
Mr. "Steele" is a psycho man who works for the police and pretneds to be a female on-line. He is full of self-hatred for men, a well diagnosed psychosis.
This whole site is a hate site and should be blocked by Google for violation of their terms of service. And Mr. "Steele" needs to be arrested and sent to a shrink hospotal.
Something should happen if he's using homeland security resources to look up anti-feminist men as a hobby. Hobbies in the workplace often take up much of the time real work is supposed to be allocated to. Since this real work is fighting against muslims who wish to slowly saw off all of our heads I think that it is a pretty serious breach to use work-time as play-time.
We let our guard down once and lost alot of people. The muslim brotherhood isn't playing around, they want us dead or converted.
Steele: stop pertending to be a woman, that's pretty gay.
If you want to put up a blog about your support for police then put one up rather then being an internet-tranny.
You are right. Using Homeland Security resorces to attack other blogs is not only a waste, it is a criminal act. "Robin Steele" claims to support law enforcemnt, but he does so by crimial means. If the police were doing the job they are paid for, Robin Steele would be arrested and caged. Unfortnatly it appears that Bob and his ilk are right on the money when it comes to criminals in blue.
I wouldn't worry to much about these mental midgets being a threat. They couldn't manage spell-check, much less an informational campaign.
Loved your speech in Montreal. See you in D.C. Stay Strong! Missie
Even other MRAs want Mikee shut down. One calls him "a total idiot"
"In my opinion, Mikee's site was doing more harm than good to the men's rights movement... Mikee is the only MRA that I have come across that advocates violence."
Captain MRA: "Wise words Men's Movement"
Bodymanace: "Excellent point Captain... Mikee in my opinion, is a total idiot. He should keep his mouth shut. Doesnt he realize he is representing a much larger group?"
Robin Steele: I have not claimed to be a "Men's Right's Activist". I have claimed to be an anti-women's rights supporter. Most MRAs merely want equality, they want to go back to the 1950s when women _could_ vote women _could_ divorce their husbands via the courts (for reason of domestic abuse etc) where rapists of virgin girls were murdered (contrary to the Bible) and many men were falsly accused of all sorts of crimes just to get rid of them (a 1950s updated version of 'strange fruit' using the courts).
I want women and girls to obey their husband in all things and be faithful to him. I want no female to beable to divorce her husband. I want any woman who commits an abortion to have revenge (or 'justice'... what is the diffrence, can you tell me if there is any? Is it because the state meets out justice?) meeted out upon her. I want Men to reign supreme and women and girls to be their sweet supporters.
Do you want to go back to the 50s?
I don't want victim status. The MRAs you mentioned... I think that they do. Am I wrong?
MIKEEUSA Posted these comments on an unrelated post (Baha’u’llah). Please place comments on relevant posts or I'll have to delete them.
MikeeUSA said...
Question for you: What is wrong with marrying and then having sex with a girl who is able to have children.
Please explain what is wrong with that?
I know marrying a young female of child bearing age is right. Let's here your lies and subterfuges pertaining to why you "know" it is wrong.
Death To women's Rights.
Viva Men's Liberties.
November 10, 2007 2:12 PM
MikeeUSA said...
Why did you delete luke's comments.
Leave all comments up, that's what I do no matter how much they disagree or attempt to annoy me. Freedom of speech must be supported to exist.
November 10, 2007 4:45 PM
MikeeUSA & Luke:
I don't want to delete comments, but I do want to create threads relevant to the post subject. Use this one for the MikeeUSA worldview. Luke's was about the poll results... he can post it on the Ban Bob Allen post.
I know marrying a young female of child bearing age is right. Let's here your lies and subterfuges pertaining to why you "know" it is wrong.
??? I don't even know what the laws regarding marriage age are. Don't have an opinion. What age do you think? Or do you advocate a fertility test and medical certificate of childbearing readiness? How old's your girlfriend?
IIRC, all* girls are able to have children at 14. Put the age there.
By 16 many in the schools have been around allready. This is, ofcourse, because they want sex (as all people do).
Absinence doesn't work. Marry the girls to a Man that's 25, 30 + (who thusly has some experiance with the real world, has confidence in himself, and has the means to raise a family).
*Some females are barren and will never be able to have children.
"I don't even know what the laws regarding marriage age are."
Pretty much what your district attorny wants them to be. They'll happily prosecute men who are legally married with the parental consent of the under 18 girl. The DA is the law.
I think you should lobby to change the marriage age to 14 if you believe in it that strongly. No objection here. Go for it!
"I don't even know what the laws regarding marriage age are."
Pretty much what your district attorny wants them to be. They'll happily prosecute men who are legally married with the parental consent of the under 18 girl. The DA is the law.
That's true to a certain extent if you're in the feministland part of America, like in Los Angeles or New York where there are a lot of feminists and a lot of pussy men, but if you are in the good part of America, meaning the rural part of America, especially the rural part of Ohio and especially especially the rural part of Michigan, then there's no way they'd get a conviction if the couple was married. There's just no way. It would start an angry mob with pitchforks if they did that.
Luke: You are the master of saying nothing nor taking any stand. Do you agree with MikeeUSA's belief that men should conduct suicide attacks on social agencies - killing as many women AND men as possible - before getting gunned down? Is this the movement you represent? Do you agree with Bob that murder is a preferred alternative to child support? Why don't you take a stand instead of making pointless comments about rural Michigan? Why advocate for men's rights? Why not advocate for a group you belong to?
Mikeusa has not advocated killing "as many MEN as possible" as you accuse. He has put forth the idea of killing as many _feminist_women_ as possible if you are at the end of your life. If you are at or near the end of your life you have no time to make peaceful change. If you have alot of life to live then the peaceful route can be taken. If you find that the peaceful route has not worked during your lifetime then you should use violent and murderous means to remove feminism from the stage.
His ideology is the destruction of women's rights and the triumph of men's freedom at all costs. He also seems to like the bible for some reason.
Blogger is allready enforcing whatever it was going to enforce. Why do you want to pull aution ads? They are all for midi and musical equipment, interests of the blog owner. Why do you hate free speech?
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So your content has been deemed violent and offensive by AdBrite, Wordpress.Org, Blogger (Google) and I assume you've been banned from Adwords.
Who else? Are they all part of the Fempire, or are the adults telling you that you've got to play nice if you want to play on their playground?
You do more damage to yourself than any feminist could ever do. Your threatening of Federal employees online certainly indicates your own self-loathing and self-destructive tendencies.
So Mrs Steele, why do you not support absolute freedom of speech and freedom of the press?
Perhaps you would be better off in Europe? Maybe?
"Your threatening of Federal employees online"
Comon, there's much worse then that on that website. Why keep banding that about? Show us all the even more offensive content. This is like a broken record. There is a lot of content on that site which you can pick from, go through it and read it. You're just picking from the last few posts, scroll down.
Feel free to email me links to your "greatest hits" Mikee, so I can add them. I'll only go to your site so I'll know when it gets removed.
Ah so you admit to being pro-censorship.
I hope you do die, as you irrationally fear.
Notice the japanese esque rising sun in the open door and the styilized viking helmet.
Fun fact: the stance of the man-stick figure is similar to that of the hero in the film "pathfinder" at one point. This part of the picture, aside from being other things, is an inside joke. "Cleaning up the place"
If you've seen the movie, you know what I'm talking about.
More pictures to critique please.
Ms. Steele is a rising star and headed for prominence in the new era. Despite her occasionally combative demeanor, she truly wants what's best for you. A little respect now could pay large dividends to you later.
We all want what's best for you, but Robin is one of the strongest advocates of tolerance and balanced rights for men, even with the personal attacks you've made on her.
We are entering, together, a Golden Age, the new Femocracy, in which a woman president and women executives will assume the leadership roles in government and business.
The Femocracy will bring on a golden age of justice, tolerance and logic for ALL citizens, both the leaders in power and their subjects alike. That being said, a little respect at this point could be a wise investment in your future.
Strength & Unity Forever,
Athena Y
You must have the ellection pre-rigged then. Men don't like hillary, alot of women don't like hillary. Right there is 60, 70 % of the voting public not voting for hillary.
What is best for men is love. Empowered women do not love men.
Misandry -- hate is power in feminism. Steele is a glaring example of feminist hate.
This blog carries a message of love, tolerance and forgiveness. I am a sinner, but I am trying. If you can tell me where I profess hate on this blog, I will change it.
God bless you,
Robin Steele
This blog carries a message of love, tolerance and forgiveness. I am a sinner, but I am trying. If you can tell me where I profess hate on this blog, I will change it.
God bless you,
Robin Steele
Steele said, "This blog carries a message of love, tolerance and forgiveness."
For a blog that is nothing but lies, hate, and attacks on men that's just laughable. It fits with the rest of her lies. We don't expect anything half truthful from Ms. Steele.
[Hint: Lies, hate, and attack is not love and tolerance.]
Anonymous said...
Steele said, "This blog carries a message of love, tolerance and forgiveness."
For a blog that is nothing but lies, hate, and attacks on men that's just laughable. It fits with the rest of her lies. We don't expect anything half truthful from Ms. Steele.
[Hint: Lies, hate, and attack is not love and tolerance.]
Again, it is easy to post this when you remain "Anonymous" There is no accountablity.
Now how about accepting Robin's challange by not leaving out the rest of her post...."I am trying. If you can tell me where I profess hate on this blog, I will change it."
The only hate I have seen posted here is directed at her for exposing the hate of others.
Shattered Ken said, "The only hate I have seen posted here is directed at her for exposing the hate of others. ken"
We aren't surprised by your sow licking, Ken. You are one of the manginas who ensure defeate of a viable men's movement.
Every article Steele has written on this whole blog contains volumes of fictitious "quotes" said to be from the writings of men's advocates but wildly exaggerated or outright fiction. The intent of all the lies, fiction, false quotes, and exaggerations is to drum up hate against men writers. Neither Mikee, Bob, MM or the other men attacked have ever said or advocated the things that this hate site claims that they advocate.
We aren't surprised that you won't see it Ken. You're widely known as a feminist enemy of men's rights, one who promotes feminist dogma like "abuse," "DV," "custody," etc. Your opinion on what you will or won't see is hardly any more valid than any other misandrist feminist.
Stalin denies that her blog is nothing but misandry and attacks on men. She has several times clamed to be love and peace and given us a disingenuous request for examples. The whole womenofsteele blog is a long hate piece so it would be tedious to repost it all as a long list of glaring examples of hate. But here is a very small sample of her long hate blog:
From the front page of Steele's blog here is one of her lists of lies (this is on the right column)
Steele: "Bob Allen openly advocates violence against police officers & women. He preaches that:"
LIE: Bob does not advocate violence against anyone. The lie is unmitigated misandry.
Steele: "Bob Allen: Death Threat Against Peace Activist Robin Steele"
LIE: Bob has not threatened Steele or anyone. This hate piece is a lie as well as the link.
Steele: "Bob Allen: Slain Officer Called 'BAD RUBBISH'"
Criticizing the government is the public right, and even the duty of American citizens when they are doing things the people don't approve of. Bob presented several reasons why he believes that the slain officer was "rubbish." The reasons included a published history of corruption and planting evidence. Attacking a man for public criticism of a corrupt government is misandry, especially when the underlying reason is because Steele is looking for excuses to criticize and try to silence a man's voice.
Steele: "Police should be rounded up and killed"
LIE: Bob never said that quote. Bob has never advocated killing anyone. Rhetorical language is acknowledged to be just that. Bob more often says something like "Should be impaled" which is clearly a rhetorical criticism, not an advocacy of killing. Steele's false quote lie is hate speech intended to raise hate and attack a man's voice.
Steele: "Women & Little Girls Like Getting Raped"
LIE: Bob never said that either. Steele's false quote lie is hate speech intended to raise hate and attack a man's voice.
Steele: "Wives seeking a divorce should be murdered"
LIE: Bob never said that either. Steele's false quote lie is hate speech intended to raise hate and attack a man's voice.
Steele: "A murdered police officer is cause for celebration"
LIE: Bob never said that either. Steele's false quote lie is hate speech intended to raise hate and attack a man's voice.
Steele: "Bob Allen: 'Lay them low and drop their bodies in ditches'"
LIE: Bob never said that either. Steele's false quote lie is hate speech intended to raise hate and attack a man's voice.
Here Steele summarizes her feminist hate by advocating that a man's voice be silenced.
This is only a small example -- a list of links to other articles. The articles they link to are as full of lies and hate as the links. Steele's front page articles are as full of lies and hate as the linked articles. The whole blog is a lying misandrist attack on the voices of men. That is all that it is. There is no mitigating non-hate content.
Can Steele point to anything on her blog that is not lies and hate? I think not.
What about it Stalin? Is there anything at all on your blog that is not hate and lies?
Anonymous said...
What about it Stalin? Is there anything at all on your blog that is not hate and lies?
Well I guess that would include everything YOU have written too right? That is all I see in most of those who hide behind "Anonymous
BTW...do you realize that a lot of what she has posted...is COPY AND PASTED from Mike's and Bob's blogs. In my view...she has proven her point.
Well, Shattered Man, we aren't surprised that you support Stalin's anti-men hate speech. You are a well known feminist who practices and preaches feminist dogma and misandry and attacks real men.
Stalin MISQUOTES Mikee, Bob, MM, et. al. But don't let that get in the way of your ass kissing a misandrist feminazi.
Anonymous: Just because Shattered Men defends my presentation of my argument doesn't mean he agrees or disagrees with the substance or viewpoint it represents. It means he advocates a fair discussion or debate between opposing viewpoints. People who truly want to move toward resolution of a problem seek to understand the true nature of their opponents argument so they can address the substance of their actual argument.
You and other "anonymous" posters attack fictional contentions, that I hate men, I preach hate, I seek worldwide enslavement of males, the site is filled with lies, etc. (Of course, never giving a specific example, as there are none).
I wondered: why would someone use such an ineffective and easily discredited arguing technique? I can only figure that, unlike Shattered Men's Ken, the Anonymi actually have no interest in moving toward any resolution. They have no interest in solving or even addressing the real problems. They are simply members of the huge group of people who want to pretend that they are oppressed victims and that the need for change is the responsibility of others. I can see why Shattered Men would be very threatening to you, because their message is that even if you have been wronged, attacked, repressed, and brutalized, you still have - or can get - to break the chains of hate, and to live the fulfilling, productive life that God has willed for you.
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