Thanks Robin Steele (Woman of Steele) for the additional coverage on the issues in Maryland. I also enjoyed and agreed with a statement that she recently made about the "Men's Rights Movement."
As those who actually read my words before calling for my violent, agonizing death know, I believe there is a serious imbalance in the family court system that puts men at a disadvantage, an imbalance that could be corrected if this MRM could graduate from the 5th grade.
I don't normally give my self a title of Men's Rights Activist or Father's Rights Activist. It seems to be something that others assign to me because of my complaints overcasting the family court system in general. I tend to shift more toward... CONTINUE READING
Also in Good News to be Released Today, Lary Holland reports:
Our efforts were successful today in Federick County, Maryland. A showing of common-sense and fellowship occurred today. Working together for positive social change and to significantly affect public policy.
I'm looking forward to his report of what happened in Maryland where so much tragedy has occured.